St. Lukes Missions

Volunteering at the Hollygrove Community Garden

7th Ward Community Fridge
Thanksgiving Baskets for families in need.
UKRAINIAN RELIEF - Thank you to our members who raised over $4400 to aid Ukraine refugees!
As a worshipping congregation, our church is moved to action in ministering to others in our local community and around the world. The St. Luke’s Mission Committee has organized a program in which every person can participate in some way throughout the year. I would encourage you to explore all the options for mission’s activities and use these opportunities as a part of your own worship and service.
- Third Sunday Food Drives - St. Luke's helps stock the 7th Ward Community fridge with fresh fruits & vegetables, non-perishable staples, and pre-made meals.
- Ronald McDonald House – The Ronald McDonald House provides housing for families of severely ill children being treated in New Orleans hospitals. St. Luke’s provides a hot meal for these families (about 40-50 people) four times a year. Sign up on the poster in the hall just outside the Sanctuary (mission’s wall).
- Second Harvest Food Bank
- Workdays – St. Luke’s works four days each year sorting and boxing groceries at the Food Bank. Sign up on the poster in the hall outside the Sanctuary (mission’s wall).
- Food Drives – Each year we collect nonperishable food during Lent and the Thanksgiving season for the Food Bank. Everyone is encouraged to participate, and we collect about a ton of food each year!
- Advent Hot Meal Mission – During Advent we receive monetary donations for hot meals throughout New Orleans and south Louisiana. Only $1.00 provides four hot meals for the homeless or needy. Last year we provided thousands of hot meals.
- Mission Comfort - Blankets and Snacks for the Homeless. Beginning in October and continuing through the cold weather, blankets are collected in the Sanctuary hall to be distributed to the homeless. All are welcome to hand these out anytime. Every year several hundred blankets are given out.
- Louisiana Methodist Children’s Home – Each May we collect money for summer activities for the 20-25 children at the Northshore Methodist Children’s Home. We provide 8-10 off campus activities such as Zephyr games, bowling, movie tickets, etc…, for these children.
- Nothing But Nets – St. Luke’s participates in this malaria initiative of the General Church each year. $10.00 provides a treated bed net for a child in Africa. We have contributed hundreds of nets to alleviate the suffering and death due to malaria.
- Thanksgiving Baskets – We provide Thanksgiving Baskets to families in need each year in cooperation with sister Methodist churches in the New Orleans area. Check outside the Sanctuary (mission’s wall) for sign-up posters and collection baskets.
- Christmas Gifts – In cooperation with other Methodist churches in low income areas of the city we receive monetary donations to provide Christmas gifts for families not able to provide for the holiday. Each year our congregation provides 6-8 families with a bountiful Christmas.
- General Church Offerings – We participate with the General Church for offerings for food, medicine, education, disaster relief and other missions throughout the world.
- Christmas Mission for Children - Angel's Place is a non-profit respite care program for terminally ill children. We will be collecting monetary donations for their "Be an Angel to an Angel" giving program.
- Christmas Mission for Seniors - "Be a Santa to a Senior" provides gifts to seniors in difficult financial situations or with no family.
It is humbling and thrilling to be a part of missions at St. Luke’s. We are offered many opportunities to be a part of something much bigger than ourselves as we join together to minister as Christ commanded. Our missions touch the sick, the poor, the orphaned, the homeless, and the hungry with the grace of Jesus Christ. By joining together this small congregation provides thousands of pounds of food for the needy, thousands of hot meals for the hungry, hundreds of blankets for the homeless, comfort and encouragement for parents of critically ill children, a full summer of off campus activities for the children in the children’s home, hundreds of mosquito nets for malaria in Africa, real hope for those in need during the holidays, and much more. BE A PART !!